If you have good or excellent credit you should always be looking to get something extra out of your credit card. If you’re not getting some kind of rewards or sign up bonuses for the credit cards you get, you’re not fully utilizing your good credit score. One card that offers some good rewards is the American Express Starwood Preferred Guest® Card.
The Starwood card gives you starpoints with each purchase you make. Earn 10,000 Starpoints® with your first purchase, enough for up to 3 free nights at a Category 1 or 2 hotel. Then you can earn 1 starpoint for every $1 you spend in your first 6 months for up to 15,000 starpoints. Check out our student checking information if you’re in school.
The second part of this deal is essentially 1% cash back which is pretty standard on cash back credit cards. The real advantage on this card is the 10,000 bonus on your first purchase. Also you should note that the card doesn’t have an annual fee for the first year, but after the first year there’s a $45 annual fee. So if you don’t plan on using the card make sure to cancel it before the second year.
Lenders are like scared llitte kids they rely on what everyone is telling them, and your credit report says it all. If you were to lend me $50 and I never paid you back will you ever lend me money again? What if I tell all my friends will they lend you money? Your credit report conveys this information, faster than girls spread cooties.If you have negative items, contact the people you owe and tell them you are willing to settle on the debt (offer them 40% of what is owed) create a letter for them to sign off on that states you want all negative items removed from your credit report and a letter stating that everything was PAID IN FULL (not settled, or settled as agreed). Once you settle, contest the listings on your credit report with all the credit bureaus:Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Then begin to pay large amounts toward your active credit cards NEVER spend more than 40% of the credit available (if your credit limit is $1,000 dont go over $400 on the card). always pay your bills on time (not late) then it takes time and you should begin to see your credit score rise 35% of your score is debt to income (what you have borrow vs what you are allowed to borrow)35% is payment history (something you need to get cleared up)10% length of credit history (so dont close accounts you have paid off)Hope that helps