Mastercard has a cash rewards program for most of their business credit cards called easy savings. It’s free to enroll and the rebates are completely automatic.
Here is the complete list of merchants that are participating in this program. You can get 5% back from USPS, DHL, Dunkin Donuts, Avis, Budget, and Midwest Airlines. This can turn out to be a lot of money saved if you buy from one of these companies regularly. For you webmasters out there they’re also offering 3% cash back at Microsoft Adcenter. That can be a nice boost in your advertising budget if you spend a lot with them. If you already have a business card you might want to consider getting a business savings account.
There’s basically no reason to not participate in this program if your card qualifies. If you have a business mastercard you should enter your information in to see if your card qualifies for extra cash rewards. If you’re a student check out our free student checking guide.
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